Birth Date : 3 March
Blood : AB
Hiro is a vocalist from an Indonesian visual rock band called CHOCORETTO.
He has a smooth voice like no other visual rock vocalist. He always wants to be a Vampire someday (like Edward Cullen in Twilligth) **LoLs**. He is dreaming to become a greatest Mangaka and a famous Artist someday.
Hiro likes drawing very much, he can breakdance well, he can play guitar, he can cooking although just a boiled egg (LoLs), he can play some yoyo tricks and he can beatboxing. He likes to make and collect some papercraft models. He collected few gravure idols pictures and movies (he is a big fans of Yuma Asami). Style and his vocal are heavily influenced by Chester Benington (LINKIN PARK).
Hiro has a phobia of water. He will always be afraid whenever he walk in seaside. He will scream when he see a mice in front of him (LoLs).
Writen By Someone ^w^